Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Smell of Tea

The smell of tea is comforting to me. Classic English Breakfast is my favorite. I love the smell of the tea, the warmth of the mug in my hand, the creamy sweetness after I add milk and honey. Whether I’m in my office bent over the filing cabinet, navigating interstate traffic, or enjoying a meal in a restaurant, tea transports me. Part of me returns to the comfort of my favorite chair. Tea brings back sensations of safety, wellness, and family. I remember the Bible verses that promise life in a land of milk and honey. I feel prosperous, even if biting my nails because of unexpected bills. Milk and honey. Milk and honey. Milk requires cows, which each grain, which needs rain. Honey takes bees, flowers, and so forth. Richness, harvest, security. I hold my tea, pause for a moment, then go on with my day. In seasons of drought, the promise of milk and honey can give us the strength to put one foot in front of the other. In seasons of plenty, the same things should ignite gratitude and generosity. All of the comforts of home, and the promises of Heaven, are reflected in my twelve ounce mug.

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